To the family of Alice Garcia and especially Celina & Cecelia:
Please accept my condolences and sympathy during this difficult time on the passing
of your darling Alice Garcia.
I had the opportunity to meet Ms. Garcia one time at a CDOT function and the moment I met her I knew she was one very unique and beautiful woman inside and out, just full of life and wisdom and I could see the love in her eyes that she had for her girls (Celina & Cecelia). Each time I have spoken with Celina or Cecelia your conversations have always centered on the love you have for your mama. I know this is going to be an extremely difficult time for the both of you and for your family. Hold on to the memories you have of her. She was your rock and the center of your lives and I am sure she is so proud of you for taking care of her and for the marvelous women you have become. The bible says, “Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for a friend”. (John 15:13) The both of you made many sacrifices in your own lives and took such good care of your mother. Your love was deep for her and it showed in everything you did!
To be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord! Praise God, she is with the Lord, with no more pain, sorrow or tears and she is healthy and whole and waiting to see her family again and watching over you this moment.
May God richly bless you and keep you and guard your hearts and minds! May He bring you peace and comfort and healing during this difficult time. The Lord weeps along with you as you mourn. He cares deeply for you and has you wrapped deeply in His arms as you grieve.
With all my love & prayers,
Gina Talmadge-Quintana, Minister (Reprinted from